Dear SEE CHANGE 2020 Exhibition Visitor,
We are honored to present the work of these nine celebrated Bay Area artists. Each has been or is still a part of SFArtsED as a mentor through our education programs. Their thoughtful and distinct responses are a testament to the deeply personal nature of art making.
This exhibition was planned well in advance of the very big change that we are now experiencing in our world. See / Change 2020 was the title chosen to contain the artists’ expressions regarding the status quo, any part of it on which they wished to comment or to respond.
And now the status quo is something quite different. We find ourselves in a time, it seems, when all of the issues we have been facing are in greater relief: disparities in society, lack of cohesive leadership, and the specter of impending environmental catastrophe.
All of the artists had selected their work for this group show before the pandemic. But since the world changed, and since this show has moved from our Minnesota Street Project gallery to a virtual space, I felt it important to check in with them. To a person, they think the pieces we are exhibiting are more meaningful in this moment, and it is more urgent than ever to continue making art. They are engaged in their art practices, in their homes or studios, and through their images, objects, or films, they will continue speaking their truth to power with humor, intelligence and deep beauty.
And for each, there is a belief in simply making things, the very act itself, with the intentions, the play, the curiosity about the materiality, and the poetic accident. This conversation with themselves gives them a center from which to move powerfully and to engage others in important dialogue.
I find it so heartening to know that these artists, with their deeply investigated practices and clear ideas about our world, all continue to educate young people. We are talking a lot about heroes in our community, now. These artists are among mine.

Emily Keeler
SFArtsED Artistic Director

Photo credits: Market between 7th/8th, 1940s, by Unknown photographer/Open SF History/Western Neighborhood Project, Private collection |Parade on Market Street, circa 1918, by Unknown photographer/Open SF History/Western Neighborhood Project, Emiliano Echeverria/Randolph Brandt Collection
A Project of the San Francisco Arts Commission’s Art on Market Street Kiosk Poster Series, funded by the San Francisco Arts Commission and the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency, www.sfartscommission.org

Photo credits: Lucy Mae and Eldoris on Market Street at 5th Str., circa 1945, by Street photographers/San Francisco History Center/San Francisco Public Library | March for our Lives, March 14, 2018, by Ekevara Kitpowsong/El Tecolote
A Project of the San Francisco Arts Commission’s Art on Market Street Kiosk Poster Series, funded by the San Francisco Arts Commission and the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency, www.sfartscommission.org

Photo credits: Trick or Treat, December 3, 2003, by Brant Ward/The Chronicle/Polaris | The San Francisco 49ers Super Bowl Parade, January 23, 1989, by David Madison/Getty Images
A Project of the San Francisco Arts Commission’s Art on Market Street Kiosk Poster Series, funded by the San Francisco Arts Commission and the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency, www.sfartscommission.org

Photo credits: “Not My President,” November 9, 2016, by Ekevara Kitpowsong/El Tecolote | “Protect Dreamers,” Women’s March, January 20, 2017, by Brenna Cruz/El Tecolote
A Project of the San Francisco Arts Commission’s Art on Market Street Kiosk Poster Series, funded by the San Francisco Arts Commission and the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency, www.sfartscommission.org

Photo credits: Black Lives Matter protests, December 13, 2014 by Jeremy Raff/KQED | “Say No to War,” Feb. 15, 2003 by Dave Glass/FlickrCC
A Project of the San Francisco Arts Commission’s Art on Market Street Kiosk Poster Series, funded by the San Francisco Arts Commission and the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency, www.sfartscommission.org

Photo credits: Global Climate Action Summit protests, September 13, 2018 by Marian Carrasquero/NYTimes | Global Climate Strike, September 20, 2019, by Kevin N. Hume / S.F. Examiner
A Project of the San Francisco Arts Commission’s Art on Market Street Kiosk Poster Series, funded by the San Francisco Arts Commission and the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency, www.sfartscommission.org

Photo credits: Black Lives Matter protests, Dec. 13, 2014 by Jessica Christian/The Chronicle/Polaris | “Big Colored Parade” Market Street to City Hall, May 26, 1963, San Francisco News-Call Bulletin newspaper photograph archive/The Bancroft Library
A Project of the San Francisco Arts Commission’s Art on Market Street Kiosk Poster Series, funded by the San Francisco Arts Commission and the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency, www.sfartscommission.org

Photo credits: Couple strolling along Market Street, July 16, 1946, by Unknown photographer | S.F. Streets-Market-1946/San Francisco History Center / San Francisco Public Library / SF Pride Parade, June 30, 2013, by Jacob T. Meltzer/FlickrCC.
A Project of the San Francisco Arts Commission’s Art on Market Street Kiosk Poster Series, funded by the San Francisco Arts Commission and the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency, www.sfartscommission.org

Photo credits: Occupy SF, October 2011, by ER Glenn Halog/Flickr CC | “Got $ for War But not to Feed the Poor,” November 9, 2016, by Michael Barbanov/SF Examiner.
A Project of the San Francisco Arts Commission’s Art on Market Street Kiosk Poster Series, funded by the San Francisco Arts Commission and the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency, www.sfartscommission.org