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Early holiday presents for our kids: 10 gifted new teaching Artists.

By November 28, 2009News

Enter, Katie Kerwin! Working and teaching professionally for 15 years as both an actor and choreographer, she’s now an Artist-In-Residence in two public schools this year. And is choreographing the major tap dance number in SFArtsED Players’ upcoming performance of “Fiorella!” this February.

Brazil comes to the Bay via Raffaella Falchi, an Artist-In-Residence inside two San Francisco public schools. Teaching dazzling Brazilian samba shines, through Raffaella’s professional engagements with many dance companies since 1998, in the city, Europe and of course? Brazil.

Another winning asset: Joshua Fishbein. Having won his own first prizes in the 2009 San Francisco Conservatory Art Song Competition and the Women Sing Young Composers Competition, he has much to give to our kids. Joshua is a starring new Artist-In-Residence at Glen Park Elementary School.